Khanapara, Dec 22: With a vision to provide sustainable solutions to the targeted group of society and industries through scientific and innovative packaging technology and to create awareness for circular economy to save the planet, Mumbai-based Foundation for Innovative Packaging and Sustainability (FIPS) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University of Science & Technology Meghalaya (USTM). The MoU was signed by Prof. (Dr). N.C. Saha, Chairman, FIPS and Prof G. D. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, USTM.
USTM signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Foundation for Innovative Packaging and Sustainability on 21 December 2021. This MoU will be a crucial step in promoting collaboration between both the organisations and working towards the shared aim of promoting sustainability.
— University of Science and Technology Meghalaya (@ustm_A) December 22, 2021
Speaking on the occasion, Prof G D Sharma said the MoU aims to promote human resource development by organising Collaborative Certificate Programme in “Sustainable Packaging for food Products” where FIPS would provide Faculty Support with mutually agreed professional fees for conducting Certificate Course and other module of Training Program for the benefit of the students of the Department of Food Science & Technology, USTM with mutual financial benefits.
“The students would be benefitted to get exposure in this specialised field of Sustainable Packaging for Food Products which would help them in career development. FIPS would also get involved with USTM to support for any research projects related to ‘Sustainable Packaging’ in order to make ‘Win-Win’ situation for both the organisation,” he added.
Prof. (Dr). N.C. Saha said that the two institutions are planning to establish an “Incubation Centre” in the field of “Sustainable Packaging for Food Products” for providing first-hand knowledge to the students of USTM and to stimulate for start-up business with sustainable approach.
According to Prof Saha, the MoU also aims to create a Centre of Excellence on “Sustainable Packaging” for stimulating entrepreneurial idea generation for high end products on display and provide information about where technical assistance, equipment, venture capital and other financing can be sourced. Relevant business plans and information about potential market linkages will also be made available. It will help potential entrepreneurs undertake design and prototype development, he added.
Other highlights of the agreement include: to support commercialisation of high potential products/ designs in various sectors which will help provide market linkages for such products and to identify and build capacities of equipment/ inputs suppliers that can help upgrade the products and processes significantly as per market requirements.