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ASSAM | River Bridge Destruction Leaves 40 Villages Isolated

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In Tamulpur, Assam, approximately 40 villages are grappling with the absence of bridges and roads, On one hand the government is building bridges, culverts and roads, but on the other hand it is facing problems for years due to lack of roads and bridges elsewhere. The community has been enduring this hardship for years, with the situation worsening after last year’s heavy rains obliterated the bridge over the Daranga River. The destruction has left residents of Khairani, Checha Pani, and neighboring areas to navigate perilous routes daily. According to reports, due to heavy rains last year, the bridge built on the Daranga River flowing through Bhutan was completely destroyed. Since then, people of Khairani Checha Pani and other areas are traveling in danger. Therefore, the students of the area face difficulties in commuting to schools. There is no government who cares who will listen to the plight of the people of the area.

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