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Congress claims of innocence in Rajabala clash now reveals “pre-plan” motive

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Shillong, Oct 30: Claims of innocence by the opposition Congress party on the clash in Rajabala on Wednesday, where the blame was given to the NPP, has come back to hit the party in a big way after two enquiry reports by the election commission have given similar reports of its findings that prove that the party’s supporters perpetrated the attack on a house of an NPP worker.

The final report of the Election Commission’s Returning Officer for Rajabala submitted to F. Kharkongor, Chief Election Officer of Meghalaya, reiterates what was earlier stated in the preliminary report. It confirms that the Congress workers undertook a procession after the public meeting at Rajabala school ground, in direct violation of election guidelines that prohibited processions and bike rallies.

Congress’ denial of involvement and allegation against NPP of starting the trouble is also cast under doubt after the report, a copy of which has been seen by HUB NEWS, clearly mentions that the stone pelting was only at one house. In this case, the house of Hasan Ali, the headman of Garodubi village and a known NPP supporter and worker, was the target of the attackers.

The claims of the Congress that stone pelting began from Hasan Ali’s house also seems to be under scrutiny as the inquiry report has found that neither Hasan Ali nor his supporters were in the house when the attack took place.

Hasan Ali’s wife has given a formal statement informing that she along with her children and a few male members were present inside when the attack first started. According to her, Hasan Ali was away attending an NPP meeting at New Bhaitbari when the attack happened.

Where did the stones come from?

Hundreds of stones rained onto the house of Hasan Ali on Wednesday and the inquiry report does not indicate any accumulation of construction material such as boulders and stones outside the house of Hasan Ali.

The report does not mention any large accumulation of stones in the area of the house that could be used by the stone pelters.

In that case, where did such a huge number of stones come from?

From all accounts, it seems the attack was “pre-planned” and attack material was brought in by someone or groups that had “pre-planned” the incident.

Congress election agent’s attempt at misleading investigation

The Congress campaign agent Abdul Aziz, who claimed that he had diverted the route of the Congress supporters via Garodubi, which led to the clash taking place, had been with a ‘good intention’ because the NPP was holding its own meeting at New Bhaitbari and he didn’t want supporters of NPP And Congress to face each other to avoid a possible confrontation has been found to be untrue.

A fact finding undertaken by HUB NEWS after obtaining details of the permission given by the election commission to both parties for the last day of campaign finds the statement of Congress agent to the inquiry to be highly questionable.

Reasons that cast doubt on Congress statement

Abdul Aziz’s statement to police regarding the diversion has been found to be completely untrue for two main reasons:

1. The election commission’s permission for the NPP meeting by Chief Minister Conrad K. Sangma at Bhaitbari town was granted from 1 to 3 PM. The NPP completed their meeting in accordance with the election guidelines.

The Congress was granted permission for its meeting at Rajabala school field from 1 to 4 PM.

The Congress had one full hour after the NPP to complete their rally. By the time the Congress completed their meeting, it was one full hour after NPP supporters had already dispersed from their meeting which ended by 4 PM. So, the question of coming face to face between the two rival parties supporters is highly unlikely.

2.The question of supporters from the two parties colliding with each other after a meeting remains highly questionable because the distance was 10 kms long between the NPP meeting at Bhaitbari and the Congress meeting in Rajabala. Then there is again the time difference of almost an hour between the completion of the two separate meetings.

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