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Hero Xclan Tura Rally, a Roaring Success Despite the Rain

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Tura, June 17: The Hero Xclan Tura event, a vibrant celebration for Hero premium bike owners, unfolded on a rainy Saturday, yet managed to attract an impressive turnout. Organized by Hero Motocorp in collaboration with the Tura Motorsports Club (TMSC), the event saw 65 of the 75 registered riders taking part, undeterred by the early morning downpour.


The rally, aimed at uniting motorcycle enthusiasts under the Hero Xclan banner, kicked off from ISBT, Chasingre at 10:00 AM. The destination was the scenic Daribokgre, near Nokrek National Park in the East Garo Hills District. The convoy, adhered to traffic rules and speed limits, made its way through the rain-soaked roads, demonstrating the riders’ enthusiasm and resilience.


Hero Xclan, an exclusive community for Hero premium bike owners, provides members with unique benefits and promotes a lifestyle centered around motorcycling adventures. The Tura event is part of Hero Motocorp’s broader initiative to cultivate a nationwide network of motorcycle enthusiasts.


The Hero Xclan Tura event showcased the unyielding spirit of its participants, turning a potentially challenging day into a memorable celebration of unity and passion for riding. Hero Motocorp’s ongoing efforts to build and nurture this community continue to yield significant value for its members, fostering a strong sense of belonging and adventure.

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