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Hub News| Morning Snippets : May 26

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27 people including 4 children killed

Guwahati: At least 27 people, including four children under the age of 12, were killed in a fire at a sprawling children’s game zone built in a temporary structure in Rajkot on Saturday. The toll is likely to rise once the debris is cleared from the area.

Cyclonic storm

Guwahati: The deep depression over east-central Bay of Bengal on Saturday evening identified into a cyclonic storm “Remal” and is likely to cross Bangladesh and adjoining West Bengal coastal by Sunday midnight.

6 children killed

Guwahati: At least six children have died out of the 12 that were rescued after a massive fire broke out at the New Born Baby Care hospital in east Delhi’s Vivek Vihar on Saturday night. The Delhi Fire Services (DFS) sent nine fire trucks to the scene to douse the blaze. One child is on a ventilator and five others have been admitted to a hospital.

Gold smuggling angle

Guwahati: In a new twist to the ongoing probe into the gruesome murder of Bangladeshi MP Anwarul Azim Anar, the West Bengal CID officials on Saturday claimed that an angle of gold smuggling could be a possible reason behind the killing.

5 PWD engineers suspended

Guwahati: The district election officer KM Janaki has suspended five engineers of the Public Works Department who were reportedly found consuming liquor with ZP officials and contractors in the inspection bungalow, during office hours.


Also Read: Passing Out Parade of Spring Term 2024 held at Indian Naval Academy

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