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Cherry Blossom Festival

Robibar salo Cherry Blossom-ko ong·atengani gimin jegalsoenganina Tourism minister aganchakanga

Shillong, Oct 18: Robibar salko man·chape, ia bilsio Cherry Blossom Festival-ko ong·atenganina jegalsoenggiparang dongani gimin, a·dokni Tourism minister Pa Paul Lyngdoh, antio salsa mangmangsan...

Everyday is a Holy Day: Paul Lyngdoh on STIEH opposing Cherry Blossom fest on Sunday

While talking to reporters, Lyngdoh said, "everyday is holy and precious, and it is not that people become holy and faithful for a particular week or a day, and become unholy for the rest of the week."

Shillong to look pretty in pink soon; Check Dates, first line-up, and how to book your tickets here

The first line-up for Shillong's Cherry Blossom has been announced.

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