The training, conducted in partnership with Arrosa's Kitchen, commenced on Monday (July 29, 2024) and is being held in various locations including Tura, Ampati, and other district headquarters across Garo Hills.
Police sources said the accused has been identified as GSU’s Ampati president, Megadeth Marak, who initially tried to mislead police by filing a police FIR in Rongram police station claiming to be the victim.
A missing person’s report has been filed before the women police station in Dalu, West Garo Hills regarding two teenage girls who have gone missing since July 27, 2024.
In recent days, the residents of Garo Hills in Meghalaya, have experienced an unprecedented level of heat and humidity, causing discomfort and the residents have raised concerns among the community.
The town of Tura has got a new two-wheeler showroom to meet the growing demand of the administrative centre of Garo Hills. J N Suzuki, a prominent two-wheeler dealership, inaugurated its new branch in Tura on Saturday.
The extent of damage is staggering: the total area of water bodies within the study area has decreased by 79.57% from 2000 to 2016, while built-up areas have increased from 12.69% to 50.40% in the same period.
The A’chik Conscious Holistically Integrated Krima (ACHIK) group has written to the chief minister complaining against the installation of a check gate by the district transport officer of South Garo Hills and the alleged “fee” collection from commuters.