Meghalaya police force received a shot in the arm when 146 recruit constables passed out of the Armed Police Training Centre at 2nd MLP Battalion in Goeragre, near Tura, on Monday, with Meghalaya Director General of Police Idashisha Nongrang taking the salute in a glittering ceremony witnessed by top police officers and families of the young men and women recruits who took the oath to protect the state and its people.
Close to 80 percent of the 104 Unarmed Branch (UB) constables, who completed their training in Meghalaya police’s 6th battalion on Tuesday, have qualification above the minimum educational criteria.
Meghalaya Director General of Police (DGP) Idashisha Nongrang on Thursday held her first meeting with the public to address their grievances and pertinent issues concerning the state.
Newly-appointed Director General of Police (DGP) Idashisha Nongrang announced that she will be meeting the public every Thursday from 11 am to 2 pm in the DGP’s office Shillong.
It is a matter of immense pride and paramount satisfaction to note that history was created in the State of Meghalaya in the North-East on May 11, 2024 when the State Government led by Chief Minister – Mr Conrad K Sangma decided to appoint Ms Idashisha Nongrang as the Director General of Police (DGP).