Bangalore-o ong·nasienggipa U-14 Subroto Cup-o a·dokni pal ong·e kal·na gita re·angtoknasienggipa football team-ko, Jowai, HK Singh Memorial Secondary School-ni school management, Sombar salo school auditorium-o programko ong·atenba mande ra·pilskaaniko dakangaha aro ia programo Jowai constituency-ni MLA Pa Wailadmiki Shylla baksana West Jaintia Hills-ni DSEO, Ma A Syiem-ba bakko ra·angaha.
The police acted on an information received late on Tuesday evening, that illegal stone mining was taking place at Wah Myntdu, at Treiongriang, Jowai despite the ban imposed by the National Green Tribunal (NGT)
Every year, the festival of Behdienkhlam is celebrated in the month of July after the sowing period. It is one of the most important dance festivals of the Jaintia tribes.
The State government on Monday informed that more or less 75 per cent of the stretch of the road between Thadlaskein and Mihmyntdu on the Jowai bypass has been repaired and the remainder of the work is going on.