A·doko tom·tomaniko ra·bana gita iandaka manianirangko maming champengani aro jaguatanirang grisa name tom·tome aro pilakni bak ra·anirang gnangsa ong·atna gita nanga ine Khasi Jaintia Forum uamangni nangnikanikoba janapataha.
The Khasi Jaintia Church Leaders’ Forum (KJCLF) on Friday called on the Meira Paibis of Manipur to stand true to its commitment in protecting, promoting and upholding the respect and dignity of women in society.
The Khasi Jaintia Church Leaders’ Forum (KJCLF) on Friday said enforcement of the uniform civil code (UCC) will result in the eradication of the matrilineal custom of lineage unique to the Khasi people.