Meghalaya Chief Minister, Conrad Sangma on Friday distributed 1010 appointment certificates to the new recruits comprising of various ranks of Meghalaya Police.
Law Minister Ampareen Lyngdoh on Tuesday said the state police have to rise and take firm decisions to ensure safety and security of all citizens as even MLAs are no longer safe.
The Meghalaya Police on Tuesday informed that a Special Investigating Team (SIT) has been constituted to investigate the Lumkynsai blast under Smit on July 3, 2023.
CM Sangma said that the issue of Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking is one of a growing concern in Meghalaya that can be curbed through concerted efforts by community, civil societies and Government.
Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma on Monday congratulated the state police department on their great work. He also urged the Police department to continue their work to control and end the menace of drug abuse in the State.
Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma on Monday congratulated Meghalaya Police for their awareness programs on drug abuse amongst the people of the state.
Meghalaya Police on Monday afternoon arrested two alleged drug dealers identified as M. Tuanbiaklian Guite, (32) and Imliakum Longkumer, (40) and seized 2.738 kg of heroin worth Rs 10 crore (approx) in the international market.