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Mission Football 2.0

Mission Football 2.0-ko a•bachengatna gita Meghalaya a•dok sorkari crore 3-ko on•anggen

Shillong, August 3: Skanggipa changna Durand Cup kal•susaaniko Shillong-o soka chakaniara, kal•susaani itihas-o gisik ra•na krabegipa ong•aha, iani gisepon Meghalaya a•dok kal•susaanirangko ra•dona gita...

Meghalaya announces Rs 3 cr grants for local football clubs, to soon launch ‘Mission Football 2.0’

Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Friday announced the State will soon launch the Mission Football 2.0, a revamped and updated scheme to implement new ways to promote football in the state, and develop the culture of football in the State.

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