In the remote village of Purakhasia in Meghalaya’s Garo Hills, the local primary health centre (PHC) recently marked a milestone: a full ten-bed facility for expectant mothers, equipped to handle even the most critical needs. This modest yet essential upgrade has made a life-changing impact for mothers in this remote area, who previously had to travel long distances for basic maternity services.
In response to the recent ethnic violence that gripped Manipur since May 3 2023, the State Government has swiftly mobilised proactive initiatives aimed at providing relief and rehabilitation for internally displaced individuals under the mentorship of the Supreme Court appointed Committee headed by Justice Gita Mittal.
Tura, March 26: A•chik Holistic Awakening Movement (AHAM) dol Bajengdoba Regional Unit-ni President Kollingwat Sangma, North Garo Hills a•jani Deputy Commissioner aro District Medical...
Shillong, Mar 7: Meghalaya a•dokni Skotong Minister Conrad K Sangma, a•doko mongsongbate health sector-ko sorkarini gita gamchatbate ra•enga jenan, 8 per cent mangni gita...
Health Minister Ampareen Lyngdoh on Tuesday said the government is not in a hurry to take a decision with regards to handing over the emergency services to a new company.