The North East Students’ Organization (NESO) on Thursday asked the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to break his silence and visit Manipur, which has witnessed violence for an alarming 16 months.
New Delhi, Sep 11: Budbar salo, Green Hydrogen-ni bidingo ong•atanggipa International Conference-o a•songni Prime Minister Narendra Modi, video gita jinmana aganprakataha.
Ia gnigipa changna Green...
Guwahati, August 28: Prime Minister Narendra Modi-ni dilanio, Salgro Salaram jolni a•dok-ni dingtang dingtang dolrang aro Central Sector Undertaking baksa Joint Ventures (JV) Collaboration-ni...
Jyrwa said that the civil war like situation that is currently taking place in neighbouring Bangladesh can have serious ramifications in India especially in the North East Region whereby four states share a common international boundary with Bangladesh.
The Charaideo Moidams or Maidams of Assam are all set for a historic day as the Mound-Burial system of the Ahom Dynasty is put to vote to be recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site on Friday.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the historic Moidams of Assam are set to gain more recognition and will get more traction following their nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Union Minister Sarbananda Sonowal announced on Friday that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's historic initiative will see the capacity of the Digboi refinery increased from 0.69 million tonnes to 1 million tonnes. This expansion recognizes the refinery's significance and heritage.