The Superintendent of Police (SP) issued a notification on Tuesday restricting all types of heavy vehicles or trucks from plying towards Mawphlang and Sohra for three consecutive days on March 8, 9, and 10. The restriction will be enforced from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM for three days. This notification is in view of the upcoming Monolith Festival to be held at Mawphlang.
Body of 23-year-old Bankynmaw Lyngdoh Mairang who fell into deep gorge at a tourist spot at Mawmluh, Sohra has been retrieved at around 8:00 PM. He fell into the deep gorge on Sunday afternoon
The victim, identified as Bankynmaw Lyngdoh Mairang, a resident of Nongmynsong, Shillong, and a helper at Pala Resort, Shillong, was out with a friend on a bike.