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Them Metor

Them Metor-o songdongenggiparangko gipin biapona apjitaniko Punjab-ni Sikh-rang jegala

Shillong, Sep 25: Shillong songjinmani Them Metor-o songdongenggipa manderangko dingtang biapona apjitna manchiengani gimin Punjab a•dokoni Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee aro Save Shillong Sikhs...

Sikhs from Punjab visit Shillong to voice discontent over proposal to evacuate Them Metor residents

Members of the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) and Save Shillong Sikhs (SSS) from Punjab have expressed dissatisfaction with the government’s proposal to relocate the residents of Them Iew Mawlong in Shillong.

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