During the operation at Boalia para village, Assam Police Additional Superintendent of Police, Bidyut Saikia, who led the team, discovered nine Aadhar cards, several PAN cards, and Bangladeshi documents in the possession of one Kajal Sarkar, whose residence was raided.
The TIPRA Women Federation (TWF), women organisations of the main opposition TIPRA Motha Party, staged a silent protest torch rally in Agartala on Thursday evening.
Tripura’s state president of All India Trinamool Congress state president Pijush Kanti Biswas had resignation from the post and also primary membership of the party on Tuesday.
A supporter of one of the rival factions of Tripura Cricket Association (TCA) was spotted openly carrying a gun in front of police personnel, creating a stir on social media.
Saha said that since the beginning of the civilisation with the development of wheels there has been engineering brain working behind them and even in present times computers technology or the medical equipments developed it is the engineering team who are working behind the scenes.
Agartala, July 20: The Opposition parties in Tripura on Wednesday have demanded re-investigation of murder of Tripura police officer Durga Kumar Hrangkhwal and severe...
Tripura CPI(M) MLA Samsul Haque from Boxanagar Assembly Constituency died after suffering a cardiac arrest in the wee hours of Wednesday.
According to reports, Samsul Haque fell ill on Tuesday late at night and was rushed to GB Pant Hospital, where doctors, after preliminary treatment, declared him dead.