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Wahiajer Prime hub

Wahiajer Prime Hub-ko a·dokni CM kulie on·anga

Mongolbar salo, Meghalaya a·dokni Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma, Wahiajer Prime Hub-ko Wahiajer-o kulie on·angaha aro ia Prime Hub-ko kulie on·anganio, a·dokni Deputy Chief Minister sakgni, chong·motan Prestone Tynsong aro Sniawbhalang Dhar-ba dongpae bak ra·angaha.

CM inaugurates Wahiajer Prime hub, aims to boost grassroots entrepreneurship

During his address, Chief Minister Sangma highlighted the significance of establishing Prime Hubs across the state to promote entrepreneurship at the grassroots level with a goal to enable individuals and communities to engage in diverse economic activities.

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