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NESFAS launches vertical transportation in Nongtraw village

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Shillong, Nov 1: The North East Slow Food & Agrobiodiversity Society (NESFAS) on November 2 launched vertical transportation at Nongtraw village, East Khasi Hills District. This initiative is part of the innovations project of the REC-funded “No One Shall Be Left Behind Initiative”.

KHADC CEM, Titosstarwell Chyne who attended the event as the chief guest said “Unlike other programmes which require long time preparations and grand fair, this one is unique. We’re getting a chance to be one with nature, sitting on top of the mountains, the true beauty is what it means to be traditional in every aspect; be it food or the surroundings, for we have been taught to preserve and value everything from the olden days.”Notably, The launch of this vertical transportation will support farmers to transport agricultural produce, livestock, and other materials through the steep hills of the village, which constitutes the Khadar Shnong area. The only way in and out of Nongtraw is through a trek up and down 3500 prints.

The village is also known for its outstanding heritage of traditional farming and this innovation will also contribute to transporting local foods that come out of Jhum cultivation.

Pius Ranee, Executive Director, NESFAS, shared, “Our goal is to create a cost-effective innovation and it only required a metallic cable wire and a few other things. This transportation only depends on the laws of physics and does not require electrical or fuel energy.”

On behalf of Nongtraw community, Pius expressed, “Road connectivity will still be a long wait for us, but this ropeway transportation will ease down our daily suffering”.

Suklin Dohling Assistant Secretary, Dorbar Shnong Nongtraw expressed his gratitude to NESFAS for implementing this initiative and it is one of the greatest achievements for the people of Nongtraw.

He also added, “I would like to express my gratitude to NESFAS, Bah Pius Ranee, and his team for implementing this. It is through them, Nongtraw’s name has been uplifted on various platforms”.

Meanwhile, the community was also handed the certificate of the recent Best 2021 Sustainability Publication award by Hallbars and the Alfred Nobel Museum.

The success of this innovation is also credited to the strong determination of the Village Development Council (VDC) and the community as a whole. It aims to boost the transportation of farming and other goods to the market


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