Plasma Popularization workshop by USTM & CPP-IPR


Khanapara, Jan 11: A workshop on Popularization of Plasma Physics was organized by the Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology Meghalaya (USTM) in collaboration with Center of Plasma Physics – Institute for Plasma Research (CPP-IPR) on Tuesday. The workshop was organized to celebrate the “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” in blended mode and was participated by students and teachers alike.

Speaking at the workshop, senior scientist from CPP-IPR Dr. T.K. Borthakur gave a brief overview of different research conducted in plasma physics. He also highlighted the contribution of the founder director Prof. S. Bujarbaruah in popularising plasma research in North East region.


The resource person of the workshop, Dr. Rakesh Moulick, Scientific Officer D, CPP- IPR, under DAE, Govt. Of India presented his talk on the topic “Fundamental of Plasma Physics”. He initiated his talk by explaining the basics of plasma physics and stressed, “Debye shielding is a phenomenon to protect the plasma family just the same way as our society is protected by some security sources.” Dr. Moulick also explained how plasma research can be used in different theoretical aspect.Dr. Ngangom Aomoa, Scientific officer D, CPP- IPR gave a talk on “Experimental Plasma Physics” where he focused on different experimental application of plasma and said that Plasma are like superhero in material science. He also highlighted the possibilities of getting govt. funded project to enhance research in plasma physics.

Earlier, Dr. Sanchita Roy, HoD of the Department of Physics,  briefly introduced about the department of physics, USTM as well as the importance of such kind of workshop to develop the keen interest in the area of plasma physics among students and faculty members. The program concluded with a demonstration on the production of laboratory plasma.
