Shillong, April 30: In a significant crackdown on illegal activities, the Border Security Force (BSF) Meghalaya has successfully thwarted two separate attempts to smuggle...
Agartala, Apr 22: Tripura a•dokni simarango, mande aro pekatgipa sam badingsrukaniko champengna kam ka•aniara Border Security Force (BSF) sipairangna rakbatsranggipa kam ong•enga ine Sombar...
The troops of the BSF Tripura Frontier have apprehended 1,018 individuals from illegally crossing the border since January till April. The security forces have also seized narcotics worth Rs 94 crores.
In a tragic incident, one person was killed and another critically injured after Border Security Force(BSF) personnel fired at them after suspecting them as smuggler.
Agartala, Apr 4: Budhbar walo, niamgri badingsrukgipa manderang ine chanchipenba, Border Security Forces (BSF) sipairangni goanio, saksa bilongbee saknaatako man•aha aro saksa siaha.
Ia a•sel,...