The Gauhati High Court has directed Assam’s Cachar district and police police administration to keep the bodies of three Hmar youths, who were killed in an alleged encounter with police in Bhubah Hills under Lakhipur police station of Cachar district on July 17, in the morgue of Silchar Medical College and Hospital till the next hearing of the case on July 26.
Amidst ongoing violence in Manipur's Jiribam district, a joint meeting between Assam's Cachar district administration and Manipur's Jiribam district administration was held at Jirighat police station in Assam's Cachar.
Guwahati, June 10: Security has been beefed up in Assam's Lakhipur area in Cachar district after violence was reported in Manipur's Jiribam district, which...