Speaking to Hub news Jagdish Chelani, RO for WGH said, "Security of the district is addressed very seriously and a total of 67 naka checkings are in place in the district along with flying squad and static surveillance teams deployed in various locations."
Fast paced developments are taking place in the fight against criminals and extortion in the Garo Hills region with two back to back incidents involving the dismantling of criminal gangs behind an abduction and extortion in the name of GNLA-Regroup name.
The switching over by Sangma to the NPP is significant in this upcoming political contest for the Tura Lok Sabha seat as the BJP is now without a leader and support base in the southern tip of Garo Hills, where a considerable chunk of votes prevail.
Unindentified men have abducted the manager of a construction company from the project site in Karukol Siju area of South Garo Hills after entering their camp site before dawn on Wednesday.
Critical, creative and strategic thinking were made the fundamentals of a special training for C&RD Block workers of Garo Hills to prepare Meghalaya to...
Three men who created a social media page claiming to revive the defunct GNLA outfit and calling themselves as “GNLA-R (Regroup” have been nabbed by Garo Hills police on Saturday. The arrested trio are said to be petty criminals involved in extortion, police sources said.
To ensure smooth functioning the responsibilities were discussed in the meeting regarding election management from announcement till completion of the poll process for the upcoming General Election to the Lok Sabha, 2024.
Tura, Mar 13: Tura-o skanggipa changna Shooting Association of West Garo Hills (SAWGH)-ni Tura Don Bosco Higher Secondary School-o a•bachengatgipa 10 M Indoor Shooting...