Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Saturday said the government will take stern action against anybody involved in obstructing and disturbing peace in the state.
Shillong, March 23: Re•anggipa March jani 9 tariko, Shillong songjimani Them Iew Mawlong minggipa biapo IED boma gopretanio jak dongpagipa saksako rim•taia, indake da•o...
One more person was arrested on Saturday for his involvement in the March 9-IED bomb blast in Them Iew Mawlong. The tally of arrests has gone up to four.
The state police on Saturday issued a public advisory urging victims of demand notes by banned militant outfits to refrain from making any kind of payment to such groups.
The proscribed Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC) on Friday questioned if the police department is suggesting that its former general secretary Cherishterfield Thangkhiew is still alive by claiming that arrested members of the outfit were having a conversation with the military commander Sanbor Pala.
Deputy Chief Minister in-charge Home (Police) Prestone Tynsong has asked the proscribed Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC) to come to the negotiating table as the government is fully prepared to take action against anything that is beyond the ‘legal boundary’.
Two more persons have been detained on Thursday and during their interrogation and of several others, it has come to light that proscribed outfit HNLC is indulging in brain washing of innocent youth by unleashing vicious propaganda with an objective to keep their extortion industry running, Ri Bhoi SP Jagpal Singh Dhanoa said.