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meteomodem PS-20

EGH-ni song damsao balwa ta·rakaniko togipa ostroko man·a

East Garo Hills a·jani Simsang nalsao donggipa Bolkinggre songo, parachute baksa ma·sina man·gijagipa bostu ga·akonani ja·man police-rang am·sandiangon, ia ga·akongipa bostuara balwa ta·rakaniko togipa ostrosa ong·a ine ma·sina man·aha.

Suspicious item that fell from sky in Garo Hills turns out to be wind instrument

A combing operation launched in the forests of Bolkinggre in East Garo Hills, across Simsang river, following sightings of a parachute descending from the sky with a suspicious item has turned out to be a weather instrument.

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