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Tura-o brange dongenggipa makkre-ko Forest Department rim•na man•a

Anti gimiko sandiani jaman, India-ni Wildlife Trust-ni wildlife expert Dr. Daoharu Bora baksa Forest Department Tura songjinma-o katroroe dongenggipa makkre-ko rim•na man•aha.

Monkey Terror ends in Tura: Monkey captured by Forest Department

The monkey has been captured by the Forest Department after a week-long chase with wildlife expert Dr. Daoharu Bora from the Wildlife Trust of India taking charge of the captured monkey.

Monkey scare in Tura Town! Clever primate beats all efforts of forest officials

Despite so many days in public spaces, the monkey continues to enjoy its heydays as people are becoming anxious of the forest department’s apparent apathy toward the plight of the people.

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