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Sainkupar Nongtraw

HNLC slams police for targeting NGO leaders for alleged links with outfit

The proscribed Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC) on Friday slammed the police department for allegedly summoning NGO leaders for questioning on the matters relating to the outfit.

Dy CM-ni grongna agananiko HNLC ra·chaka

Tom·tomaniona re·bapilna gita ma·mong aro a·dok sorkari baksa agangrikaniko HNLC bobil dol ra·pilani ja·man, HNLC bobil dolko agangrikaniona re·bapilchina gita Deputy CM Prestone Tynsong okamatahachim ine nikna man·a.

HNLC leaders accept Deputy CM’s proposal to meet but under their terms and conditions

Taking to Facebook, HNLC General Secretary cum publicity secretary, Saiñkupar Nongtraw wrote that the HNLC accepted the proposal of the Deputy Chief Minister to meet but the venue will be set up by the Council.

HNLC pulls out of peace talks

The HNLC stated that the decision was prompted by the unfortunate circumstance that their general demands have not been met.

HNLC peace talks run into rough patch, top leaders put conditions

Shillong, Nov 17: In a surprise move, the top leaders of proscribed Khasi militant outfit Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC) have refused to be...

HNLC questions ‘one nation, one election’ proposal, worries it will establish a ‘Hindu Rastra’

Stating that the proposal has sparked a significant debate regarding its underlying motives, Nongtraw argued that this initiative may transform India from a democracy into a theocracy, favoring the Hindutva ideology and the establishment of a Hindu Rastra.

HNLC threatens to withdraw from peace talks following dispute with govt

The Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC) has threatened to withdraw from the ongoing peace talks with the Meghalaya government if attempts are made to impose terms on them. The outfit asserted that it operates independently and is not subject to governmental authority.

HNLC denies role in sending extortion letters to civilians and businessmen

This came a day after a news report surfaced that the banned outfit allegedly sending demand notes and extortion letter to one civilian.

Sorkari baksa tom·tomanina songgigrikaniko dakangna HNLC, uamangni kosako segatgimin mamlarangko ra·pilchina sorkario dabia

Ia dabianiko bobil dolni dilgiparang, ma·mong aro a·dok sorkari baksa skanggipa gadango tom·tomanina agangrikaniko dakangani somoioba janapangahachim ine nikatna man·a.

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