Speaking to media persons, the special DGP Harmeet Singh said "A Special Investigation Teams (SIT) was formed to investigate where the bomb like substances was found and the Additional superintendent of police will lead the SIT. We are looking forward to the safety and security of the public. Anybody found to be involved will not be spared,".
In a narrow escape for the people of Assam, explosives planted at 19 locations by the proscribed insurgent group ULFA-Independent (ULFA-I) failed to detonate on Thursday morning due to technical error.
Avik Chakraborty
DIBRUGARH, Aug 15: The family members of ULFA-I chief Paresh Baruah are hopeful that Paresh Baruah will return to the mainstream for peace...
United Liberation Front of Asom (Independent) has announced its refusal to comply with summons issued by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) Special Court to its top leaders, including the chairman and general secretary, regarding a case involving a grenade attack on an army camp last year.
In a significant breakthrough, Tinsukia Police have arrested three individuals for their alleged involvement in an ambush carried out by the banned militant outfit ULFA-I (United Liberation Front of Asom-Independent) on an Assam Rifles convoy in Margherita on April 16, 2024.
At least 10 people working at the 14 number coal mine in the Finboro area of Changlang district, Arunachal Pradesh, were abducted by suspected NSCN and Ulfa-I cadres on Sunday.