World Tourism Day celebrated in Jaiñtia Hills


Jowai,  Sept 27: The Mutong Tourism Promotion & Environment Development Society, East Jaiñtia Hills in collaboration with the office of the Deputy Commissioner, West Jaiñtia Hills celebrated the World Tourism Day at Moopun Waterfalls near Mutong Village on  Monday.

Local MLA and Minister, Kyrmen Shylla was the Chief Guest for the event.

The progarmme was presided by the President of the Society, H. Phawa in the presence of the Principal of Jaiñtia Eastern College, P Nongtdu, amongst others.

Adressing the gathering, Shylla informed that the Chief Minister, Conrad Sangma has warned that Tourism will be affected by the CCOVID-19 pandemic and it will also be the last sector to be revived post pandemic.

He also urged upon the villagers to get themselves vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines because tourists feel safe to tavel and visit places where locals have taken the vaccination.


Furthermore, he assured the gathering that the government will do its beat to promote Tourism to its maximum in the area.

During the day long celebration, various competitions were held which included PluggingRun, Marathon, Trekking and swimming.
