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Erpakon Village Dorbar avert peace Meeting convened by Ri Bhoi Deputy Commissioner

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Nongpoh, May 27:In a bid to maintain peace and harmony in Erpakon village following the murder of a local resident, the Ri Bhoi Deputy Commissioner’s office organized a peace meeting, inviting all involved parties. However, the Dorbar Shnong of Erpakon village declined to attend the peace meeting.

The Deputy Commissioner had invited representatives from R.N. Sharma Hotel, building owners, and the Dorbar Shnong to discuss the situation arising from the death of Kyrmen Lyngdoh Nonglait, who was allegedly murdered by a worker from R.N. Sharma Hotel. Despite the efforts to foster dialogue, the Dorbar Shnong chose to boycott the meeting, standing firm on their decision to evict all non-locals and prohibit them from working or conducting business within Erpakon village.

The Dorbar Shnong, led by Headman M. Thongni and Village Secretary Lambor Kharshilot, held a meeting this morning to deliberate on the invitation from the Deputy Commissioner’s office. During the meeting, it was unanimously decided not to attend the peace meeting. The village leadership reaffirmed their stance to prevent any non-local individuals from residing, working, or running businesses in Erpakon village.

Village Secretary Lambor Kharshilot stated that the decision to evict non-locals is comprehensive, including those working as daily labourers or operating businesses, such as R.N. Sharma Hotel. He emphasized that this policy applies uniformly to all non-local individuals.

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