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HNYF warns of shutting down MeECL office in Nongpoh over frequent power cuts

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Nongpoh, July 20: The Hynniewtrep National Youth Front (HNYF) has threatened to shut down the office of the Sub Divisional Officer of the MeECL in Nongpoh, due to frequent power shutdowns in Ri bhoi which has affected many villages especially the district headquarters Nongpoh.

The statement came after the leaders of the HNYF, Northern Region, along with representatives of 20 Mile and Umling Circles met the SDO and officers of the MeECL in Nongpoh seeking clarification on the frequent power cuts in the district, where the officers reportedly failed to provide any clarification.

The delegation of HNYF led by its Assistant Secretary, Donroi Kshiar, president of Arphew-mer circle Shiningstar Suting and others, stated that the organisation has received complaints regarding the frequent power shutdowns and shortage of power in the district especially in Nongpoh and its adjacent villages including 20-Mile village.


Donroi Ksiar also said that the power shutdowns have occured in the district without any prior public notice and the reason is best known to the department concerned. But the residents of the district are suffering and they have merely been paying the bills without getting proper power supply.

On this matter, the HNYF has demanded the MeECL and the Power Minister to take up the matter at the earliest to resolve the issue of power cuts in the Ri Bhoi District or else the organisation will be compelled to take drastic action or close the office of the SDO MeECL in Nongpoh.


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