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Meghalaya education minister denies making communal statement

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SHILLONG, JUNE 18: Education Minister and National People’s Party (NPP) leader Rakkam A Sangma has categorically denied making any communal statement during the Lok Sabha election campaign.

This came a day after the opposition Voice of the People Party (VPP) has decided to file a first information report (FIR) against Sangma for allegedly inciting communal disharmony between the Khasis and the Garos.

The VPP’s decision was based on a video of the education minister, which has gone viral on social media, while he was addressing a huge gathering in Garo language during the election campaign.


The VPP had however said that it cannot verify the authenticity of the video of the education minister, where he stated that the A’chiks will be wiped out if the VPP comes to power in Meghalaya.

When contacted, Rakkam A Sangma said, “Hope they (VPP) got the full video and correct translation (of my speech).”

“Said nothing wrong, but to end divisive and communal politics of VPP by uniting together for Ma’am Ampareen (candidate)for MP of Shillong,” he added.

The minister also stated that the VPP should have lodged the complaint before the returing officer during election time but now election is over.


“Therefore, it is also important to learn each other’s languages,” he added.

The VPP spokesperson Batskhem Myrboh had said that the party has decided to file an FIR against the minister and request the law enforcement agency to investigate the matter independently without fear or favour.

He had also maintained that if it is proved that he made the statement then Sangma should step down owing moral responsibility for sowing the seeds of communal disharmony in the state.

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