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Pandemic Update | Govt to take stringent action action violation of protocols, says Prestone

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Shillong, Jan 10: While, Ninety people in India have so far contracted the new strain of the virus, which was first detected in the United Kingdom in September, the Health Ministry said. Eight of these cases of the mutant strain – believed to be more infectious – are new, the data shows. Now what is required is strongly following Health SOP’s.

In Meghalaya, while the enforcing agencies concerned are doing their bit to ensure that the protocols are adhered to in the private-owned public vehicles, the same norms are being blatantly flouted in the ‘State Transport Public Services’ (STPS) and the ‘Shillong Supplementary Public Transport Services’ (SSPTS). Known as the ‘Red vehicles’ to the residents, these buses openly violate all the SOPs. Right from the routes in Shillong city, these vehicles remain overloaded. Nor are these vehicles checked by the enforcement agencies concerned.

Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong has reiterated stringent action against the ones who flout the SOPs while also exhorting the public to join hands towards averting any possible outbreak of the new virus strain in the state.

Deputy chief minister said, “We have not withdrawn the restrictions, they are in place. Hence, we appeal the people to ensure compliance to the SOPs. Otherwise action will be taken”.

“Restrictions will continue and we will make sure that the people of the state are totally safe,” he added.

Interestingly, one of the grievances put forth by the drivers and owners of local taxis in Shillong. They pointed out, “If we carry an extra passenger, we have to pay Rs 1,000 as a penalty. But the government-owned cabs carry passengers double their capacity.”
When asked, a few traffic officials said that they have been acting on the directives.


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