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Security beefed up for Amit Shah’s visit to Shillong

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Shillong, Jan 21: Security has been beefed up ahead of the Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit to the state as well as in the run-up to Republic Day celebrations.

Shah will be chairing the 69th plenary session of the North Eastern Council (NEC) at the state convention center on January 23.

“The police department has taken all necessary steps to provide adequate security for these two important events,” state home minister Lahkmen Rymbui said.

Asked, Rymbui however said that the state government has not sought any additional deployment of forces.

On Shah’s visit to the state, he said, “Our state police in coordination with the central agencies, we are looking to ensure that maximum security is provided for the particular event.”

Stating that he does not foresee any law-and-order problem due to the visit of the Union Home Minister, Rymbui said, “In fact, this is an opportunity for us as the government to interact with the Union Government regarding the aspiration of the people of the state.”

He added, “So myself I take this as a very important occasion that the problems of the state could be highlighted and the need of the state could be highlighted.”

The State Home Minister also urged the people of the state, “Let us take this visit of the Union Home Minister as an opportunity so that the problem of the state could be solved.”

The MDA government has already sought an appointment with Shah for discussing the pending issues related to the inner line permit (ILP), boundary dispute, the inclusion of Khasi & Garo languages in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India, and others.

Various stakeholders including pro-ILP groups are also likely to meet the union home minister on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Rymbui refused to disclose if the government would also take up the issue for peace talks with the HNLC with Shah. “It is not for me to disclose as we will see as the time comes,” he said.


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