21.2 C

Shillong-oni Rachel Rimeika Jyrwa Miss Hornbill International 2023-ko chea

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Kohima, Dec 3: Bilsi 19 ong•gipa Rachel Rimeika Jyrwa, Nagaland a•dokni Kohima songjinmao Hornbill Festival 2023-ko ong•atanio, Miss Hornbill International 2023-ni chegipa ong•aha.


Shillong-ni Synod College-o Bachelor of Arts (BA) English-ko poraienggipa, Shillong Mawlai-oni Rachel, cheani mukutko man•an baksa Miss Beautiful Smile aro Best Evening Gown-ni title-koba man•aha.


Indake ua, Shillong-o ong•atanggipa Miss Shillong 2023-o gnigipa biapo chegipa ong•achim aro mikkangchi Vogue Nagaland baksa bilsisani contract-ko ua soi ka•grikanggen.

Iakoba poraie nina man·gen: Shillong-o Water Heritage Fortnight-ko ong•ata


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