In a concerning turn of events near Assam's border, a Khasi family from Barapathar, Ri-Bhoi, has faced threats from Assam residents after generously offering their land for the construction of a water tank under the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) scheme. The affected family, is of Kong Juki Marwet, a permanent resident of Barapathar, Ri-Bhoi, has been subjected to intimidation by two individuals from Assam, identified as Tutu Majumdar and Nurul Islam.
In a significant breakthrough, the Meghalaya Police successfully thwarted a major drug trafficking operation on the evening of June 30, 2023 (Friday) and recovered drugs worth Rs 5 crore, making it one of the biggest hauls in the state.
Amid heavy rainfall on Monday, a 40-year-old man tragically drowned after he was carried away by the strong current of a stream in Nongpoh, Ri-Bhoi District near the National Highway 6 at midnight on Tuesday (June 13).
Former MPCC President and Umsning MLA, Dr Celestine Lyngdoh, has strongly criticized the Voice of the People Party (VPP) over creating the recent turmoil regarding the Job Reservation Policy. Addressing a meeting organized by the Congress party in Umsning, Dr Celestine questioned the VPP's lack of clarity on the desired changes to the Reservation Policy.