St Anthony's won two team titles and finished as runners-up in one at the 29th Inter School and 11th Inter College Karate Tournament 2023, which concluded on Saturday.
In the address, CM Conrad Sangma also called upon the student community to be active contributors in the progress of the state and use science, technology and innovation to make positive impact in our communities.
Shillong College baksana Directorate of Economics and Statistics nangrime, Bristibar salo, ‘Alignment of State Indicator Framework with National Indicator Framework for monitoring Sustainable Development Goals’ ine pangchakaniko donenba chang 17-gipa Statistics Day-ko a·dokni skotong Shillong-o maniangaha.
The Directorate of Economics & Statistics along with Shillong Collage organsied a programe to celebrate the 17th Statistics Day on Thursday. The program was organised on a theme ‘Alignment of State Indicator Framework with National Indicator Framework for monitoring Sustainable Development Goals’.