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Tura Football League 2024

District Football Association-ni ong•atanggipa Lucky Draw-ni result

Tura,June 24: District Football Association Tura an•tngtangko tangkapaisani gita nengnikaoni adita dakchakanirangko man•a miksonge, Tura Football League 2024 bilsini Super Division robol kalani bonkagipa...

Second Division robol kal•susaanio Chitoktak aro Ambri A•ding biltinggrika; First Division-o Danakgre goal 5-1-chi Galmak FC-ko chea

Tura, Jun 11: Mongolbar salo, First aro Second Division-ni robol kal•susaanirangko Tura Chandmary robol kal•chakramo ong•atangaha aro Second Division kal•susaanio Chitoktak YC baksana Ambri...

Dokakku FC aro Babelapara SYC, gnigipa aro skanggipa bakni robol kal•susaanio chegipa ong•a

Tura, June 7: Sukrobar salo, Skanggipa aro Gnigipa bakni bon•kamgipa robol kal•susaaniko, Chandmari Football Turf-o kal•susaanio robol tingsusaanio sapbegipa dol ge•gnini susaaniko nikangna man•aha. Dokakku...

BOCA Juniors triumph 3-0 over Dadenggre YC in rainy Tura Super Div Football League match

Tura, May 23: The Tura Football League continued with its 23rd Super Division match at the Chandmari Football Turf on Thursday, between BOCA Juniors...

BOCA Juniors triumph 3-0 over Dadenggre YC in rainy Tura Super Div Football League match

The Tura Football League continued with its 23rd Super Division match at the Chandmari Football Turf on Thursday, between BOCA Juniors and Dadenggre YC,...

Tura Football League: Druma Sandruma-ni kal•giparang sokbataijani a•sel West Balalgre chea

Tura, May 21: Mongolbar salo, Druma Sandruma dolni robol kal•giparang, kal•chakram biapona sokbataijahani gimin ia kal•aniko ong•atna gita man•jaha aro uandaken ia kal•aniko West...

Chipakkore FC dominates, Garuda Foundation struggles in Tura Super Division Football League

The Tura Football League 2024 is set to enter its second phase of fixtures starting Tuesday, kicking off with the league's 17th match between Maram FC and Druma Sandruma at the Chandmari Football Turf in Tura.

Tura League 2024 | West Balalgre climb to second place after 4-0 win over Dadenggre YC

The 16th match of the Tura Football League on Friday between West Balalgre Club and Dadenggre YC, turned into an eventful encounter amid heavy rainfall that flooded the Chandmari Football Turf, Tura.

Treesbirth Momin-ni goal 2 chipanichi Maram FC, BOCA Juniors-ko amata

Tura, May 8: Tura GBHSS Chandmary Football Turf-o, budbar salo, 2024 bilsini Tura Football League-ni chang 14-gipa robol kal•susaaniko ong•atanio, Maram FC, Boca Juniors-ko...

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