Following the violence, police have managed to bring the situation under control and arrested atleast 19 people, identified through video recordings and eye witness accounts, in connection with instigating the violence.
The attack has put paid to any further dialogue on the two core issues as the peaceful protest with a hunger strike was hijacked by a selected few that had political interests to do so.
The Civil Society groups led by ACHIK that included GHSMC and others have been on indefinite hunger strike for two weeks in Tura, West Garo Hills, demanding the establishment of winter capital in Tura and retrospective implementation of the roster system/ backlog policy.
But the primary reason for the minister’s decision to beat a hasty retreat appears to have been the condemnation and protests against her recent statement on the demand for winter capital in Tura.
Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Thursday said the demand for winter capital is to get an administration that is closer and the decision to set up the mini secretariat at Tura, West Garo Hills District is a step towards it.