As the votes of Lok Sabha election are being counted on Tuesday has reached its conclusion rounds. The Voice of the People Party (VPP) is leading by a very big margin in the Shillong Parliamentary Constituency seat and is sure for the win, while the Indian National Congress (INC) is leading by 151945 votes in the Tura seat ay 12:45 PM.
Manipur has been reeling under flood after heavy rainfall for last couple of days which has affected around 2 lakh people in 348 villages and urban localities in eight district of the state.
Imphal, May 27: Robibar salo, Manipur a•doko rong 3 dal•dalgipa aro bilakgipa Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) bomb-rangni bretgnioniko Indian Army jokatna man•aha.
Indian army dolrang,...
The Manipur government has decided to take legal action against individuals or organisations involved in the unauthorised renaming of places under the Manipur Names of Places Act 2024