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Meghalaya Police constable shoots self with service rifle, dies

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Shillong, Sep 27: In an unfortunate turn of events, a police constable took his own life while on duty at the residence of the Additional Judge of the Meghalaya High Court at Kenches Traces in Laban, Shillong.

As per information, the incident happened in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

The deceased police personnel, identified as Chiran Moshahary, 46 years old, used his official-designated rifle to take his own life.

Constable Chiran is a resident of the Police quarter at the Police Reserve, Jail road, Shillong.

The cause of this tragic tragedy remains unknown; however, the authorities are working to understand the circumstances that led to this tragic event.

The body of the deceased police personnel bodies been taken by police officials of Laban Police Station for post-mortem examination.


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