In a tragic incident, one person lost his life, and another sustained injuries when a Guwahati-bound truck collided with a four-wheeler and an auto-rickshaw at a car wash centre along the National Highway - 06 in Pahamrioh village, Ri Bhoi District on Friday.
Both teams started strongly, coming on the backs of strong wins in their previous matches. Ri Bhoi had defeated West Jaintia Hills by 8 goals to nil on January 14 while East Jaintia Hills had defeated West Jaintia Hills by 7 goals to nil on January 12, 2024.
The early morning match, that began at 8 AM, saw both teams putting on fierce competition but Ri-Bhoi managed to break through the defence of West Jaintia Hills after initial resistance.
A Meghalaya Power Transmission Corporation Limited (MePTCL) employee was found dead in his office quarter at Bara Killing, Ri Bhoi District, having hanged himself with a traditional Khasi carried bag known as Pla-ïew.
Two individuals were arrested on December 26, 2023 for allegedly stealing 25 batteries from Airtel mobile towers in Lalmati village under Palingkata Police Station, Ri Bhoi District.
In a tragic incident on Tuesday late afternoon around 10:00 pm, a person lost their life after a truck fell into a gorge at Shangbangla in Ri Bhoi District.
The project has been undertaken as part of the Provision to Article 275(1) of the Constitution of India for the year 2020-21, aimed to enhance the livelihoods of the local community and prevent pineapple wastage.
The inaugural session witnessed the presence of Dr. Arun Kumar Sarma, Director General of NECTAR, along with Dr. Collin Z Renthlei, Technical Advisor at NECTAR, and featured expertise from PUM, Netherlands, represented by Mr. Jan-Arie Van Berkum.